Friday, February 20, 2009

I haven't been here for a while, so... 15 things!

This is taken from Alan's blog. And I've been REALLY bored recently, so I thought "why not?"

1. List one book you think everyone should read this year. (if you mention my book for brownie points, please list a second book as well) Alan, sadly I have not read your book, I am poor and the exchange rate doesn't favour the Australian dollar. And I realised then that I haven't answered the question. I just finished "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (in your pants)" by Jonathan Safran Foer, and though it was published in 2005, it's one of the best books I've read.

2. What is your favourite thing about your hometown? I say Melbourne's the best city in the world. I've never thought about why. It's certainly not Connex, our failing train system. I think it's the atmosphere. The people are nice, and there's culture, which is more than you can say for Sydney. We have an Arts Festival, a Comedy Festival, a Writers Festival, a Food and Wine Festival and probably many more I can't think of off the top of my head. There's always a play or a musical showing and probably a free concert or comedy gig that you can get into. I don't know if that answers the question at all either :S

3. Incorrectly complete these Fall Out Boy lyrics: "This ain't a scene, it's a dog wearing a lampshade riding a bicycle through a river" (more ridiculous than creative, but that is definitely not my dog)

4. What would you title your autobiography and how many pages would it be? I definitely know that the front cover would be me making a silly face. I just answered a question that wasn't asked, I could be a politician. It would probably be unnecessarily long as I went off on some tangent. Maybe I could title it "The Life and Ramblings of a Neurotic Teenager".

5. What was the best Christmas gift you've received? A sticker machine. It stopped working though.

6. What's one new thing you learned this week? (they say you learn something new every day, so you should have a few things to choose from) My friend Anna has a surfboard. Which doesn't seem like that much (or maybe not even what you wanted to know), but she's not the sort of person who would own a surfboard. Also who the founders of YouTube are, thanks to a website mentioned below.

7. Open Skype/G-Chat/AIM and type "how's my favourite friend who I haven't chatted with today?" to someone you haven't chatted with at all today. This item isn't a question, just a polite demand to let someone know you were thinking of them.

8. Tell me one really proud moment from your life. When I got my final results for school. When we take our exams in the last year of high school we do the same exam as everyone else in the state doing that subject. Because I'd had some illness issues, I was stressing a lot about what my results would be and I ended up in the top 6% of the state overall, the top 3% for English and the top 8% for geography.

9. Tell me one really embarrassing moment from your life. I still hate telling this story and it's been a year and a half since the incident. In year 11 we had a school formal and at a girls school there is so much fuss and everything about dress, shoes, hair makeup etc. that it drives me insane. Anyway, mum and I decided that I could get my legs waxed, even though I'm not the biggest ran of pain. The next morning I woke up and my legs were swollen, red and extremely itchy because I'd had an allergic reaction to the leg wax. The best part was that my formal was in 5 days, so I spent a lot of the next week at the doctors trying to find a way to get rid of the reaction, as it was causing me difficulties in everyday tasks such as sleeping and walking.

10. Have you owned something for way too long... something you know you should get rid of or replace, but can't? If so, what and why?

11. Fill in the blank: Other than this one, John Green's is the last blog I commented on.

12. Do you have any scars? I have a scar on my left hand near my middle finger. I remember that I got it when I was on a 33 day camping trip with school in year 9, but I can't remember how I got it. I could have been collecting firewood, or maybe I fell off a bike.

13. I say "this is not tom", you say:
A. Who the eff is Tom?
B. Thank god, Tom sucks!
C. Oh, I love staring at page source code all day and solving riddles!! <3
D. And this is not me, not clicking the back button and not not reading the rest of this stupid meme.

14. What do you get complimented on the most? (your looks, your creativity, your impressive collection of black santa figurines) From those, probably my looks. I wish I was more creative (my answers to questions 3 and 4 may or may not prove this. But they probably will), and I would love a collection of Black Santa figurines, but sadly I do not even own one.

15. Paste a link here to your favorite picture online: We were at my friend's house and she'd baked a cake and she dropped it and then it exploded. So here's my friend cleaning it up. Probably as not as riveting as you'd hoped. Sadly we missed the photography of the dropping of the cake and the explosion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exploding cakes FTL. =(

(honestly though I laughed pretty hard at that story)