Friday, October 17, 2008

[18/10/08] Rich got pwned by the ice cream lady.

Last night I went out with Meagan, Kim and Rich for ice cream on Glenferrie Road. Since we convinced Rich that Coles was a terrible place to go get ice cream, we went to Cold Rock. But we did park at Coles. My mum wasn't aware that Rich could drive until today when we went back to Glenferrie (more on that later) that there was a car involved in this outing. Rich said that he's organising another one after exams, and my first reaction was "not Coles". He promised no supermarkets, thank goodness.

We didn't know quite what to get, so we got a large family sized pack. Don't do this unless you have a freezer handy, it melts and then the flavour at the bottom is all slop. We just got the four sorbets, which were lemon, orange, raspberry and mango. And we did the whole thing with fillings. Meagan, Kim and I decided it would be fun to get marshmallows with the mango. Yes, an unusual combination. Rich was not happy about this decision, so he tried to get passionfruit, as per the lady's suggestion. But then she asked who was paying, and Rich said "me", so she decided to put in marshmallows. I laughed so hard.

Then after we finished our sorbet, marshmallows, sour worms, skittles and gummi bears, we went to Steve Madden because they had nothing over $30 and Kim bought some yellow flats, which match her awesome yellow hat. The next thing we did was take Kim home. She said we didn't need to, but Rich and I were like "road trip!" because you know, she lives so far away. It was fun. Then Rich decided to brake really hard, which wasn't that funny. He swears the light was red, but I don't believe him. Oh yes, and "So What" came on the radio, so we of course had an argument about it, but it's a good song. Then I came home and watched Heroes. Sylar still freaks me out. And I don't like Mrs Petrelli, but I never did. Oh well.

EDIT: Rich just told me he and Meagan are going out. That is the least shocking news I've heard in my life. It's about bloody time.

1 comment:

i_heart_smiles said...

LOL!! They're going out? lol