Monday, October 20, 2008

[20/10/08] And as we journey beyond these walls...

... to face the world out there...

Today was my last day of high school classes, and there's a bunch of stuff going through my head right now. Though tomorrow I will be a wreck. I got there at normal time even though I didn't have class until after recess; we had to rehearse the year 12 song, which we'll be singing for real tomorrow. And I did sort of cry at one point, it sounds amazing with the cello, I love Sarah. We had our very last roll call, which was kind of bleh. It wasn't particularly emotional, since we have a house system from year 9 to 12 and had our last house meeting on Friday, that kind of did it.

Then I finally gave Laura her birthday present, which was Pretty Odd. Oh yeah, her birthday was June 3rd. I am awesome with birthday presents. It was only 4 months and 17 days late. My double spare in the library was highly unproductive, I wrote half an introduction to a language analysis essay. Also, the librarians were being loud (pretty much exactly the way we'd written them for the Revue) and there was a spider in the library at some point, so they called maintenance to take it away. This was probably a good thing, since Grace was in the library at the time. Cath also showed me this amazing book of sea creatures, and there's a double page of photos dedicated to this octopus which imitates other sea creatures and it's epic. I want to visit this octopus.

For recess we went up to French, because we had singing practice on Friday, which is when we were supposed to have our last class. Madame gave us these delicious chocolate things and we all got our environmental posters back. And she cried, which was the most adorable thing ever. She's singing at the Spiegeltent for the Melbourne International Arts Festival (it's a big deal), but it's the day before the English exam; we really wanted to go. Madame has also helped me deal with things that are affected by but somewhat disconnected to schoolwork, so I'll miss her. I had no idea that telling her what was going on initially would work out the way it did. For those of you reading who think that's cryptic, it's supposed to be.

Shelby got us flowers and made us cards, which I think is the sweetest thing in the world. There are so many people I'll miss this year who aren't in my year level, and she's one of them. The flower she gave me is in the same vase as the rose I got at house meetings on Friday. I should be getting them things, not the other way around. Though I don't think that Ariane should be allowed near another toy sonic screwdriver. Then Meagan and I went down to the uniform shop to get our Rugby jumpers!!!!!!! which are awesome and thank goodness they stuck to the navy rather than making them grey.

Mrs Lynch was awesome in geography. We had non-alcoholic champagne, strawberries and chocolate. I like the sparkling grape juice better than real champagne actually. So we took a lot of photos (we took photos for every class actually - I need to remember to take my camera to school tomorrow). I had chemistry afterwards, and nothing particularly exciting happened, unless you count the four practice exams that DJ thought we would enjoy doing. 

Lunch time was a rehearsal for the Revue in the Hall, which we locked. Top secret stuff. Some year nines came in at one point to collect sheet music off the piano, which we didn't know at the time, so we pretty much abused them and told them to leave. Then they came back with a teacher and explained the situation. And then the Rev came in and told us that Rachel was there to say goodbye, which was just inconvenient. So when we got back to the hall, a very nice person just said "where the hell were you?"

We had our last ever high school class after lunch. Mrs Jewell baked for us and gave us more stuff for practice essays. We didn't do any work though. We took photos. And did... nothing else, I don't think. After that was another singing practice, and CJ announced the awards for Speech Night on Wednesday. Emma was so cute. She got the Korovian Club award, which is what the Amy Paterson award has been renamed to. First she was in denial that it was her name, then she decided that it was some sort of consolation prize. Then we found out that it was the Amy Paterson award.

Next we had to run to St James because apparently the Rev wanted us to practice our prayers for the Leavers' Service, but we didn't. I really liked the service. Sarah cried at the end of her speech, but it was beautiful. I really liked all the speeches actually. Fi's was good, and Alyson's made me cry. Mum was saying afterwards that Alyson and Carol (international students) spoke better than some of her year 12 English students. And we got to sing Parts of the Vine (though we did choose that). The readings were good, one of them was 1 Corinthians 13. If you don't know it, it is the Bible passage that is most often read at weddings (I nearly typed weedings), and is about love, and it doesn't mention God at all. We were then presented with Bibles, we said our prayers - there were no mishaps, clearly a rehearsal wasn't required. Then we had a lighting of candles where we all stood in a circle. That was nice. We sang the school hymn and it was actually quite moving. Though we will be singing the school hymn at least another three times in the next 2 days. That's all from me for the moment, until next time, DFTBA

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