Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[16/10/08] Quick post

I think. It's just that I'm so close to finishing school and I haven't done a proper job of recording this week in any sort of form. I think I might do that tomorrow night when I get home from going out for ice cream (note to self: take wallet to school). Oh and the other thing is that my copy of Paper Towns has shipped. I hope I get the yellow one, I like that one better. I also hope it arrives on October 31, because that way the interruption to my studying will be minimal, as I have a week between my English exam (31st) and my first methods exam (7th November). After the 7th it's all pretty hectic.

Today we all had to be at school early to practice the year 12 song, which I think is coming along nicely. I could be completely wrong. Also, we practiced it with the cello, which was beautiful and I may have been crying. As many complaints as I have about my school (which I put as comments in the survey), I will miss the people and the community feel of it. We then had PD in which we got an exam briefing (speaking of exams, I should be studying, I need to write an essay which my mum will help me with, as well as do some chemistry and maths - we did a chem practice exam yesterday and I got 51% - the one I did before was 68%. I'm doing equilibrium questions at the moment) before being handed out forms about the school releasing our results for various things. We have to give our permission. The one thing that I wanted to say no to, which was using my results in some sort of study, there was only the option to say yes. I'm pretty pissed off about that.

Then we had our last proper assembly, and true to form, they presented a shitload of awards. We actually groaned. It was ridiculous. Then CJ and Paicey wanted to speak to us about something, I can't remember what. I think it may have had something about being respectful to other students and such. Oh! If we want to go into school during exam period when we don't have exams, we have to wear uniform, which is bullshit. That pisses me off, after Tuesday we're not actually students at the school anymore. We don't have to sit our exams.

I don't know if there's anything else... oh yes. The slideshow for the Revue. The photos of people on facebook are amusing to say the least. That's all I'll have to say about that. Except that we have a censored one that we're showing to the rest of the school and there's the other one for us to laugh at. And then we presented the actual play part of the Revue, and Sally is great as CJ. That was fun. I think that's all, I should go and study.

1 comment:

i_heart_smiles said...

lol! yeah, those awards went on forever! I'm disappointed it had to be censored! still looking forward to it tho! Sally as CJ, that should be very interesting! lol!