Thursday, December 25, 2008

[Christmas Day] Peter Costello has a lot to answer for with the baby bonus

Church was absolutely chaotic last night because there were several small children who would not sit still. The children at carols by candlelight were better behaved. Hmm. I don't know what to say about Christmas.

Carols: I love Melbourne. So much. The city that held the first Carols. Anyway, Hi-5 performed and sang the Santa song. I know all the actions, I think I should join Hi-5. Except for the fact that I don't like them at all. Wiggles FTW!

Work: My boss called at 7:40 am to ask if my sister and I could come in earlier. Because I have never worked a shift quite as insane as that one. Funnily enough, the customers were very organised and queued efficiently in a single file. That's not normally how it works at Bakers. You know it's busy when you bake nearly 2000 dinner rolls and 420 bread sticks and you sell out of both. Sandra bought us all drinks, which was not what I expected and Emily and I had a laugh at the expense of Deakin. Hmm, I want chocolate.

Christmas: We went to the park which was fun. My grandma said "Who are ACDC? Are they a music group?" which made us all laugh very hard. What else happened? My cousin somehow drew a perfect circle on her knee. Still haven't worked that one out. How she managed it, I mean.

I laughed very hard when I opened my present from Kat, because it's a tardis book. I have no idea what it's for, something to do with tasks, or something. Like Kat wrote in the card. I'll write something more thoughtful on stuff soon, I am currently watching Allo Allo, which is hilarious. Therefore it is hard to concentrate on the blogalog. But Happy Christmas.

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