Saturday, September 27, 2008

[28/09/08] In which their is horribleness, epicness and I may have possibly been drunk

Horribleness was work yesterday - my sister owes me one big time. It was boiling in the shop, and there were so many customers that it was a work out. And I would have easily sold at least $500 worth of bread. Customers just come in and ask for 34 long rolls. 34! We made many many long rolls yesterday. We also ran out of white blocks at one stage. And omgwtf, Luke's back. He's just baking though. Back when I started, Luke trained me. I had to be retrained. I thought maybe he was just back for Grand Final day or something, like how Benita was back for Easter, but it seems as if Ben's left and he has returninated. I was really confused when I saw him yesterday. And then today Katrina said "who's that?" and I said "Luke". She was as confused as me. Today couldn't have been more different from yesterday. Sadly I wasn't given the day off. But I saw the Amy child! She has returninated from China.

Epicness was the Grand Final itself - if you don't like football, skip this paragraph. Wow. I can't normally sit down and watch football, but I think that a rugby fan would have enjoyed that match. There was more tackling than anything else, so it pretty much was a rugby game. There may have been more rushed behinds (low point) and free kicks against Chance Bateman though. For a large portion of the match I was trying to make football players the Marauders from Harry Potter. You see, there's a Mooney, a Pettigrew, at least one Black (one that I know of) and I'm trying to find a Potter. Only one of these players was actually in the grand final, but oh well. Oh yeah, Hawthorn won, which proves that you can't take things for granted. Geelong should have - they won last year and only lost one match this year, and they were too relaxed. Yeah, enough about football.

I was late to Heather's 18th because mum wanted to watch the end of the match, and then I drove there. I really need more driving practise. I don't know how I'm going to get 120 fucking hours. John Brumby ftl. I stalled twice. Once at the fucking High st/Warrigal rd intersection. That is one bitch of an intersection. There was so much alcohol considering that not everyone had some. I hope that Kim's okay this morning. I don't think Cath had any last night. She and I (and Em I guess) are sometimes drinkers. That still doesn't change the fact that I had three drinks. I've never had more than one because I usually have work the next day. I still had work today. So we did some stuff - ie talking and teasing Meagan for a bit. Then some people migrated outside for dinner and Cath was singing "Everybody look at the moon".

Then we roasted marshmallows, which was awesome. By this stage people had migrated to Heather's room. Oh, I forgot! Heather's mum put Michael Bublé, so Em and I performed Sway with choreograpy. Yes, you read that right. Kim said the first of many funny things, which was "what if I marry someone who isn't as awesome as me?" Sadly I don't remember many of the funny things, and won't repeat the other I heard, which will be a blog title. The more hyper people at this stage were in Heather's room and the others were outside. The living room had been abandonned. I went outside for a bit again because Em wanted to toast more marshmallows and they were having a discussion about baby names. Apparently Harmony is quite popular.

Then there was the ultimate part of the party (hee hee, part of the party): Dancing crazily to 90s music. Em didn't know how I knew all the words to 'Two in a million' by S Club 7. I love S Club 7, even though it's not cool. Sadly there was no Backstreet Boys. There was Destiny's Child though. And then, the most upsetting thing happened, which was that the CD was scratched around the area of 'All the small things' by Blink 182. So it jumped, which was horrible, I was on Heather's bed at that stage. Cat wanted me to strip. I did not.

The question: was I drunk? The answer: 42. I probably wasn't - tipsy at the most - I can remember most of what happened. I think it's that so often I want to act insane but don't. I'm an extrovert in hiding. Or something like that. Also, Kim was drunk enough (I don't quite know how much) for a few people. What was funny was when I left, and Heather's mum told her to see me out. I just looked at her, because we both knew that she probably shouldn't have been standing up. So it was a good day. Yes, that one.

Also... DOCTOR WHO TONIGHT!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

[23/09/08] Daleks, Davros and the Shadow Proclamation

I have watched this episode of Doctor Who twice now. Yeah, yesterday morning I watched all the TARDIStacular reaction videos for the episode (Rosi made three) and then decided to watch it again. Then I watched two episodes of Torchwood. Anyway, needless to say, I loved it. How could you not? It had Rose, Martha, Jack, Gwen, Ianto (unfortunately something has happened to Tosh and Owen - even though I didn't like Owen, it's still sad), Sarah Jane and her kind of cute son - as I'm a fair few years older than him I wouldn't go for him, and HARRIET JONES, former Prime Minister. Yes, we know who she is. Oh, not to mention Daleks, Davros and the Shadow Proclamation, which I decided would be an awesome title. I didn't include the Doctor and Donna because it's kind of a given that they're in it

So it started with the Doctor and Donna landing on Earth, going back to the Tardis and then the Earth disappears! That's completely normal. I liked how they had different shots of the different companions and how they reacted. I have to say that I love Wilf, Donna's grandpa. He's the best. I want Jackie Tyler to come back, she is by far the best of the mothers of the companions. Rose was awesome with "Do you like my gun?" I do not like the use of guns, but that was an awesome moment.

I love Martha. I don't care if you don't, I think she's great. Also, another awesome moment was Wilf with the paint gun. It really sucks that it didn't work, because it was such an ingenious idea. I also loved seeing everyone's reactions to the Daleks. I mean, of course you'd be worried. But particularly Jack (I love Jack, in one of the episodes of Torchwood there was this great Jack moment), and how he kissed Gwen and Ianto like they were his children (though there was that episode of Torchwood - same one - where Jack and Ianto have this "there are many things you can do with a stopwatch" conversation. Hmm). I love this show.

THE SHADOW PROCLAMATION!!!!!!! That was amazing. It was all white and kind of scary. And there were Jidoon! I was wondering too about the Tardis not translating things properly, because the Doctor was speaking Jidoonese. It was also really exciting with the Doctor saying things like "Who'd want Klom?" and "The lost moon of Poosh!" mainly because I just like the phrase "lost moon of Poosh". And then the bees disappearing. "What, bees are aliens?" "Don't be so daft, not all of them". I love Donna too. Actually, the only companion I didn't like was that American one from the old series. And classic Doctor, when he is told "you will lead us into battle", he just leaves anyway.

Oh, that whole thing with Rose not being able to get into the network was heartbreaking. And I love Wilf saying that he couldn't get a webcam because "she says they're naughty". And then Harriet died, which was horrible.

Daleks are awesome. My favourite ever Dalek moment is from series 2, with the cybermen. I'm glad that Dalek Kahn made a reappearance, and there was Davros! I want to see this time war, I just want to know exactly what happened. Oh, and the Earth was referred to as "The Crucible". I don't know if what they're doing is anything like the way the events of the play occur. The Daleks are physically attacking, rather than the whole spread of fear and hysteria so that the population collapses and turns on each other. That's more like what happened in Midnight.

Finally (though I may have forgotten something), there was the Doctor/Rose reunion, which was so sad. I quite like Rosi's re-enactment of it with her action figures. And regenerating? What? NO! I do however know that David Tennant is still working on Doctor Who next year, so I wonder as to how it will be figured out. That's all from me, I might go and play around on the BBC website or something.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

[22/09/08] Backstreet Boys and a rant about work.

I have to tell this story about me singing the Backstreet Boys as it's so hilarious. At my sister's 21st, which was about a month ago, "I Want it That Way" was on the playlist, and came on. So my friend Emma, who I love dearly, and I decided to start singing it. Children of the nineties, we are. We did realise to an extent that we were embarrassing ourselves, but so what? I'm still a rock star, I've got my rock moves, and I don't need you tonight. Uh, yeah. Anyway, my sister at this point was speaking to her Political Interest Society friends and was talking about the possibility of me going to Melbourne next year (I really want to), and they wanted to meet me. Luckily my sister decided that maybe it wasn't the best time to introduce me then.

A rant about work. I do not like being awoken to the sound of my mobile at 8:30 in the morning to see whether I can work for someone from 10-4:30. The person who asked me to work had a specialist appointment. We have some adults at BD, and this was one of the said adult staff members. Here's the thing. My boss has had a really hard time filling the Monday shifts as it is. Specialist appointments are booked months in advance, and sure, maybe she couldn't get another time. So two things - (1) if this was a specialist appointment and she knew it would be happening for a while, she should have found someone else to work for her ages ago, because (2) it's the school freaking holidays and I wonder if it was booked then specifically. And I just got a message (though it may have been sent ages ago, I don't check my phone often) to ask if I could work that shift tomorrow. I can't, as I am working another shift tomorrow. Oh how I hate school holidays in regards to work. I've been there two years now, which I think means that I get another loyalty bonus. What they do is add up all the hours you've worked for an entire year and then divide it by 52 so you get a week's pay.

So that wasn't as ranty as I expected. I might post a blog about the most recent episode of Doctor Who. I've watched it twice now :P

Friday, September 19, 2008

[20/09/08] Captains

I'm currently in My Pants talking to Malina, and I remembered that next year's captains were announced yesterday. Oh, and I got house colours and music colours again, but that's not really particularly exciting, though apparently I would've gotten full music colours if I had been in Senior Choir and Koristers, event though I only got half colours for being in Senior Choir and Swing Choir. Koristers is supposed to be more prestigious, but whatever. Swing Choir works damn hard, and apparently we were the standout at the jazz soiree. I don't particularly care, but Em and Fleur were pissed off.

I'm just thinking about the portfolio captains... oh, one of the international students got International captain, and everyone was really happy about that. Apparently she acts more like one of the Aussies though, which is pretty awesome. I'm only going to comment on certain positions, as I feel that it would be unfair to make particular judgements on people I don't know. Bhairavi got music captain which was perfect. She's amazing, and I don't think Kim could be happier with that choice, especially since Anne got school captain (which was apparently all that mattered to most of the year elevens anyway) with Georgie. When Georgie didn't get house captain for her particular house (most of my friends in that house were confused with that decision) everyone knew that she would get school captain with Anne.

And as for the new captains of my house, I thought that the decision could have been better. One of the people who did get it always seems to be condescending. It's really a pity that Katie, Jenny or Tessa were chosen, because all three of them would have been great. The truth is that this year it came down to a popularity contest, though the unfortunate events of February kind of ruined Katie's chances. Last year our captains proved themselves to be truly dedicated to the house during House Swimming, when they proved to be so dedicated to the house that we broke the rules and we had three people in each relay team. Both of them swam the first and last laps. They wanted to disqualify us, but whatever.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

[18/09/08] Trivia, fishbowls and jelly

Today was a pretty epic day considering that I had school. We've started filming things for the Review video. Just in case you were wondering, the review is a parody of the school year. So when the year twelves finish, we have a play type thing, a video which is of pre recordedness and the baby photo slideshow. I must email Rachel my photos now that I think of it. We started filming the video today, which was of us all acting like fish in this one room in the VCE Centre that we call the fishbowl because it's made of glass and everyone can see you. I don't think that really needed an explanation. The name 'fish bowl' is fairly self explanatory.

Anyway, we put techno music on, and danced around being fish on the tables, and then there was another thing filmed where there were people running from an inflatable shark. So far the other things we have planned are singing the Hallelujah chorus in the library and singing 'Stick to the Status Quo' from HSM in the tuckshop. That one will take more organisation. But seriously, at least this way the tables from the tuckshop will actually be used for something. I wonder if the younger year levels still have tuckie duty. Lol.

The other interesting things that happened today were the trivia quiz and JELLY! They were both special efforts for the Clean Ocean Foundation. Yes, I don't know what to say about that except that there was a Mohammed Ali question which meant that Anna and I were laughing hysterically and we wish Katie had been there just so that she could be embarrassed. Wow, we make fun of her a lot. And it's not because she's in year 11, it's just because sometimes she says these things that are so funny that we can never let her forget them.

Yeah, that was pointless. I'm going to go back to doing my assignment on the internet as a global phenomenon which I won't finish before tomorrow so it will eat into my study time, as I will have to finish it over my 'noninstructional study period'. First day back next term we have practise exams (well first four days) as well as my proper VCAA assessed French oral. Good times. And I'm going to Lisa's tomorrow for an end of term party. That should be fun. Maybe I should pack my bag before we go to bed.

Oh, one last thing that makes the whole end of school thing seem real (other than that I only have five periods of maths left) is that they're announcing next year's captains tomorrow.

Monday, September 15, 2008

[15/09/08] I hate the phrase 'emotional rollercoaster'

Not that today has been any sort of emotional rollercoaster. Wait, yes it has. I had my French SAC, which I hope went okay. I can't tell with French. Barnesy called choir for lunch time again. I seriously think she wants to practise every day this week. No one's allowed to do anything else at all. Ever. I just want a Swing Choir rehearsal, they're more fun. But we're singing You Can't Stop the Beat for speech night, which doesn't even fit. And we'll have to do the choreography in our winter uniforms. Ugh. It'll be just like the concert. Why can't we sing Defying Gravity? I suspect it has something to do with You Can't Stop the Beat being the only song that Ms McKenzie doesn't accompany.

Haha, we had chemistry and I've been telling various people who do chemistry that my mum's car battery went flat over the weekend. Yeah, okay that sounds weird. But it makes sense to special people who have read Chapter 27. Or maybe it's 26, I don't know. No wait, it's 27. Because you all care about that. Amanda and I walked home in the rain and the wind, and that was horrible. Walking over the freeway on a windy day is no fun. And the rain was trying to kill us, I swear.

Got home, neither the internet nor the foxtel were working, so I continued to read Inkheart, which I just finished. When mum got home there was a parcel for me, which I knew was An Abundance of Katherines. I've borrowed it from the school library twice. I bought the paperback though, which proved to be a wise decision. The prologue and first chapter of Paper Towns are included in the back, and on the back page opposite the inside cover there is an ad for Nerdfighters. No joke, I love it. The only thing that annoys me is there's that red triangle that says "Special Price $3.99" on the top right corner. I've been reading it slowly, I've read it about 4 times already.

And I finished Inkheart, which was a really good book. I don't care that the librarians at school think I'm too old for it. They're lovely people, Justine and Bronwyn, but they have a certain snobbishness sometimes towards certain books. Some Children's and Young Adult literature specifically. They didn't like the Uglies trilogy! This clearly shows that they have some sort of problem. I don't know if they're particularly fans of John Green either, even though they ordered his books in for me last year. Not that it matters now, I have both of them.

Oh yeah, and MSN isn't working, so I have to use meebo and I don't like it at all. Something to do with IE not being able to connect to the internet. I have no idea what this means. I want my shitty laptop made by an air conditioning company back.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

[11/09/08] I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Seriously, it's like they're becoming a weekly breakdown day. Particularly period 5. Well it started when I blew up at my dad this morning. Sometimes I just can't be ready for school by 7:40, I think that's reasonable enough. Also this past week I've been fairly sick again. It's all well and good for my friends to make morning sickness/pregnancy jokes, but when I'm actually throwing up pretty much every morning, it's not so fun.

The jazz soiree is tonight and I have to be at school in 45 minutes. And my mum just got home, which is a good thing, I've been having a crisis with black tops. Meaning the one I have doesn't suit me at ALL. So that's been solved. It is now 6:02 pm, and I'm sort of ready. I should take a drink bottle and my phone with me. Maybe some money so I can buy a can of coke from the drink machine.

So yes, Thursday period 5. Today ended up being ridiculously stressful even though I had a grand total of one class. And I still managed to burst into tears in that class. My French teacher is so sweet though. Even though I haven't done much work this term, she said that she's proud of me and all the effort I've put in, but seriously. The VCAA oral exam is in three weeks and four days. I can't see how I'll be ready in time. My detailed study is all over the place, so I'm thinking that those questions that I lost will be done on Friday night (when it comes down to getting homework done on a Friday night, things get serious) and I'll email them to her for corrections on Friday and hopefully get them back on Saturday to prepare for Monday. And I haven't even chosen my third source! Fuck. I have an appointment with her tomorrow though, so we'll see how that goes. Not to mention that on Monday we're only talking for 3-4 minutes, which is practically nothing. I really hope this works out.

Wednesday night I'll probably have to pull an all-nighter, as geography is due on Thursday and I have two assessments on Wednesday. I need a break from life. I asked my friend if we could just stop time, and she said that it seemed like a good idea. Hmm, I'll see if we can do that.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

[07/09/08] Fuck, it's September already!

I was in the middle of writing a rant about my school on Thursday because I was so distressed about many things. But it wasn't really all that exciting. Just me bitching about my school. Let's just say that if someone asked me if they should send their daughter there right now, I would probably say no, because as far as the administration is concerned, it's about the reputation of the school rather than the benefit of the student. My teachers are great though. It must be luck that I have such wonderful teachers this year.

Also, Friday was actually the best day of my week, despite that I'm convinced that I failed my French SAC. I don't think I've written anything so bad in my entire life. In any language. I now have The IT Crowd Version 1.0 and we finished the maths course. I never have to learn any maths again in my life :D Though I do have to do about 5 chapters in the next 10 days. And write some English essays, some French general conversation (maybe?), do some more stuff on my sources for my detailed study, lots of chemistry and finish my geography. Ugh. This is why the fact that it's September is bad.

Though yesterday was September 6th, which was a year since Meagan and I went to see Switchfoot. So we walked to the milk bar, ate ice cream, sat on the swings and then listened to all the songs that they played. It was a really nice day too. I think it must have been at least 19 degrees (well it's warm for this time of year!). That was the beginning of the day which meant that I spent 40 hours offline. If I'd planned it, I could have done the 40 hour famine and money could have gone towards stopping child sex slavery in India. I think that's what the focus is this year. I should tell my friends that I managed it. I don't know if they'll believe me.

I had an adventure at Chadstone, which gives a whole new meaning to the song "Shopping and Parking" by the Scared Weird Little Guys. Well, they probably wrote that song with Chadstone in mind. Except all the renovations (I swear that shopping centre will never be complete) means that it's even worse. You have to take 5 detours just to get to the car park you want to go to. Also, mum couldn't find the bra bag on Friday, so she gave me money to get a new one from Bras n Things. Then I remembered that Bras n Things was in the wing that is now closed because of renovations and mum said something along the lines of 'good luck'. Luckily I went in via the Hoyts car park and decided I'd just go to the ATM and get some money before looking when lo and behold, it was opposite Trampoline! Or maybe that mini Krispy Kreme stall which I've never seen before. They probably put it there because no one can be bothered going to wherever the shop actually is. Some random entrance. It's near Coles or something.

Anyway, Bras n Things have really nice bikinis, and I have to buy one, so I'll try there first. That's where I got my last one. How random. Then I went to BORDERS!!!!! but I forgot that lovely voucher that they send me in the email. I could have gotten 30% off a full priced book. They didn't have 'Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging', just later books. Oh and the version that's been published in conjunction with the release of the movie, but I don't want that one. So I must travel to other far away lands to find it. And I need to talk to Jasmine about Beedle the Bard release. I'm going to check the release date now. So I bought Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, which is fantastic. Oh I also bought New Way to be Human by Switchfoot at Borders, and it's a really good album. I like it better than Learning to Breathe. Company Car I think is one of their best songs because they're so cynical about the corporate world. Though when are they not?

I also saw my cousin's musical and I went driving (I don't know if there's a funny story this time), but no time to write, I'm a girl on a mission. Though it is a very simple mission that can be solved by Google, it is a mission nonetheless. What a nice word.