Thursday, September 11, 2008

[11/09/08] I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Seriously, it's like they're becoming a weekly breakdown day. Particularly period 5. Well it started when I blew up at my dad this morning. Sometimes I just can't be ready for school by 7:40, I think that's reasonable enough. Also this past week I've been fairly sick again. It's all well and good for my friends to make morning sickness/pregnancy jokes, but when I'm actually throwing up pretty much every morning, it's not so fun.

The jazz soiree is tonight and I have to be at school in 45 minutes. And my mum just got home, which is a good thing, I've been having a crisis with black tops. Meaning the one I have doesn't suit me at ALL. So that's been solved. It is now 6:02 pm, and I'm sort of ready. I should take a drink bottle and my phone with me. Maybe some money so I can buy a can of coke from the drink machine.

So yes, Thursday period 5. Today ended up being ridiculously stressful even though I had a grand total of one class. And I still managed to burst into tears in that class. My French teacher is so sweet though. Even though I haven't done much work this term, she said that she's proud of me and all the effort I've put in, but seriously. The VCAA oral exam is in three weeks and four days. I can't see how I'll be ready in time. My detailed study is all over the place, so I'm thinking that those questions that I lost will be done on Friday night (when it comes down to getting homework done on a Friday night, things get serious) and I'll email them to her for corrections on Friday and hopefully get them back on Saturday to prepare for Monday. And I haven't even chosen my third source! Fuck. I have an appointment with her tomorrow though, so we'll see how that goes. Not to mention that on Monday we're only talking for 3-4 minutes, which is practically nothing. I really hope this works out.

Wednesday night I'll probably have to pull an all-nighter, as geography is due on Thursday and I have two assessments on Wednesday. I need a break from life. I asked my friend if we could just stop time, and she said that it seemed like a good idea. Hmm, I'll see if we can do that.

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