Monday, September 15, 2008

[15/09/08] I hate the phrase 'emotional rollercoaster'

Not that today has been any sort of emotional rollercoaster. Wait, yes it has. I had my French SAC, which I hope went okay. I can't tell with French. Barnesy called choir for lunch time again. I seriously think she wants to practise every day this week. No one's allowed to do anything else at all. Ever. I just want a Swing Choir rehearsal, they're more fun. But we're singing You Can't Stop the Beat for speech night, which doesn't even fit. And we'll have to do the choreography in our winter uniforms. Ugh. It'll be just like the concert. Why can't we sing Defying Gravity? I suspect it has something to do with You Can't Stop the Beat being the only song that Ms McKenzie doesn't accompany.

Haha, we had chemistry and I've been telling various people who do chemistry that my mum's car battery went flat over the weekend. Yeah, okay that sounds weird. But it makes sense to special people who have read Chapter 27. Or maybe it's 26, I don't know. No wait, it's 27. Because you all care about that. Amanda and I walked home in the rain and the wind, and that was horrible. Walking over the freeway on a windy day is no fun. And the rain was trying to kill us, I swear.

Got home, neither the internet nor the foxtel were working, so I continued to read Inkheart, which I just finished. When mum got home there was a parcel for me, which I knew was An Abundance of Katherines. I've borrowed it from the school library twice. I bought the paperback though, which proved to be a wise decision. The prologue and first chapter of Paper Towns are included in the back, and on the back page opposite the inside cover there is an ad for Nerdfighters. No joke, I love it. The only thing that annoys me is there's that red triangle that says "Special Price $3.99" on the top right corner. I've been reading it slowly, I've read it about 4 times already.

And I finished Inkheart, which was a really good book. I don't care that the librarians at school think I'm too old for it. They're lovely people, Justine and Bronwyn, but they have a certain snobbishness sometimes towards certain books. Some Children's and Young Adult literature specifically. They didn't like the Uglies trilogy! This clearly shows that they have some sort of problem. I don't know if they're particularly fans of John Green either, even though they ordered his books in for me last year. Not that it matters now, I have both of them.

Oh yeah, and MSN isn't working, so I have to use meebo and I don't like it at all. Something to do with IE not being able to connect to the internet. I have no idea what this means. I want my shitty laptop made by an air conditioning company back.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Foxtel not working? That's dreadful. That's almost worth starting a war over. Well, it would be granted that it were a Sunday night at around about 7:28pm and it wasn't working. That happened once. We all ran to the other room. Actually, it wasn't foxtel that was broken, it was just ABC1, for some odd reason.