Sunday, September 21, 2008

[22/09/08] Backstreet Boys and a rant about work.

I have to tell this story about me singing the Backstreet Boys as it's so hilarious. At my sister's 21st, which was about a month ago, "I Want it That Way" was on the playlist, and came on. So my friend Emma, who I love dearly, and I decided to start singing it. Children of the nineties, we are. We did realise to an extent that we were embarrassing ourselves, but so what? I'm still a rock star, I've got my rock moves, and I don't need you tonight. Uh, yeah. Anyway, my sister at this point was speaking to her Political Interest Society friends and was talking about the possibility of me going to Melbourne next year (I really want to), and they wanted to meet me. Luckily my sister decided that maybe it wasn't the best time to introduce me then.

A rant about work. I do not like being awoken to the sound of my mobile at 8:30 in the morning to see whether I can work for someone from 10-4:30. The person who asked me to work had a specialist appointment. We have some adults at BD, and this was one of the said adult staff members. Here's the thing. My boss has had a really hard time filling the Monday shifts as it is. Specialist appointments are booked months in advance, and sure, maybe she couldn't get another time. So two things - (1) if this was a specialist appointment and she knew it would be happening for a while, she should have found someone else to work for her ages ago, because (2) it's the school freaking holidays and I wonder if it was booked then specifically. And I just got a message (though it may have been sent ages ago, I don't check my phone often) to ask if I could work that shift tomorrow. I can't, as I am working another shift tomorrow. Oh how I hate school holidays in regards to work. I've been there two years now, which I think means that I get another loyalty bonus. What they do is add up all the hours you've worked for an entire year and then divide it by 52 so you get a week's pay.

So that wasn't as ranty as I expected. I might post a blog about the most recent episode of Doctor Who. I've watched it twice now :P


Kat said...

Woo! Backstreet Boys ftw!

I love that episode of Doctor Who. I also love the Donna one before it. I must now watch Torchwood, which I haven't watched..yet.

Leah said...

Torchwood is epic. Haha. They never broadcast season 2 here, as season 1 was on Channel 10 and no one watched it and it was then axed. It is kinda bad, but the good kind of bad.