Monday, September 22, 2008

[23/09/08] Daleks, Davros and the Shadow Proclamation

I have watched this episode of Doctor Who twice now. Yeah, yesterday morning I watched all the TARDIStacular reaction videos for the episode (Rosi made three) and then decided to watch it again. Then I watched two episodes of Torchwood. Anyway, needless to say, I loved it. How could you not? It had Rose, Martha, Jack, Gwen, Ianto (unfortunately something has happened to Tosh and Owen - even though I didn't like Owen, it's still sad), Sarah Jane and her kind of cute son - as I'm a fair few years older than him I wouldn't go for him, and HARRIET JONES, former Prime Minister. Yes, we know who she is. Oh, not to mention Daleks, Davros and the Shadow Proclamation, which I decided would be an awesome title. I didn't include the Doctor and Donna because it's kind of a given that they're in it

So it started with the Doctor and Donna landing on Earth, going back to the Tardis and then the Earth disappears! That's completely normal. I liked how they had different shots of the different companions and how they reacted. I have to say that I love Wilf, Donna's grandpa. He's the best. I want Jackie Tyler to come back, she is by far the best of the mothers of the companions. Rose was awesome with "Do you like my gun?" I do not like the use of guns, but that was an awesome moment.

I love Martha. I don't care if you don't, I think she's great. Also, another awesome moment was Wilf with the paint gun. It really sucks that it didn't work, because it was such an ingenious idea. I also loved seeing everyone's reactions to the Daleks. I mean, of course you'd be worried. But particularly Jack (I love Jack, in one of the episodes of Torchwood there was this great Jack moment), and how he kissed Gwen and Ianto like they were his children (though there was that episode of Torchwood - same one - where Jack and Ianto have this "there are many things you can do with a stopwatch" conversation. Hmm). I love this show.

THE SHADOW PROCLAMATION!!!!!!! That was amazing. It was all white and kind of scary. And there were Jidoon! I was wondering too about the Tardis not translating things properly, because the Doctor was speaking Jidoonese. It was also really exciting with the Doctor saying things like "Who'd want Klom?" and "The lost moon of Poosh!" mainly because I just like the phrase "lost moon of Poosh". And then the bees disappearing. "What, bees are aliens?" "Don't be so daft, not all of them". I love Donna too. Actually, the only companion I didn't like was that American one from the old series. And classic Doctor, when he is told "you will lead us into battle", he just leaves anyway.

Oh, that whole thing with Rose not being able to get into the network was heartbreaking. And I love Wilf saying that he couldn't get a webcam because "she says they're naughty". And then Harriet died, which was horrible.

Daleks are awesome. My favourite ever Dalek moment is from series 2, with the cybermen. I'm glad that Dalek Kahn made a reappearance, and there was Davros! I want to see this time war, I just want to know exactly what happened. Oh, and the Earth was referred to as "The Crucible". I don't know if what they're doing is anything like the way the events of the play occur. The Daleks are physically attacking, rather than the whole spread of fear and hysteria so that the population collapses and turns on each other. That's more like what happened in Midnight.

Finally (though I may have forgotten something), there was the Doctor/Rose reunion, which was so sad. I quite like Rosi's re-enactment of it with her action figures. And regenerating? What? NO! I do however know that David Tennant is still working on Doctor Who next year, so I wonder as to how it will be figured out. That's all from me, I might go and play around on the BBC website or something.

1 comment:

Kat said...


Only 5 hours and 23 or so minutes to go! :D