Monday, July 14, 2008

[14/07/08] This will be the shortest post I ever write

Most likely, as my mum wants me in bed by 11, and it is now 10:52. The threat to take away my laptop is sadly not empty. I have 7 days left before I go back to school! AAAHHH!!! What to tell, what to tell. How often will I post here? Hopefully often enough that my nerdy strangers posts aren't too long. I'm writing one now, and I'm editing it for length even though I'm not finished yet. And Happy Bastille Day to all you French readers (of which there are currently none). Happy Birthday to Kirsten, which I have said a thousand times. Almost as many as I have said to Darryl.

Um, the first things I post on here will be a story and the retelling of a dream that I had last week which was epic. It involved Nerdfighters, travelling to another galaxy, coloured chalk and killer pigs that lived next door.

And here's a photo of my formal dress, because not everyone has seen it yet (though people keep asking to):
Formal dress

Now to organise the look of my blog in one minute! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, that's a pretty dress.

Kat said...

So you had a normal dream then?

Leah said...

Yes, it was a perfectly normal dream. I can't remember all of it now or what order it happened in though.