Saturday, July 26, 2008

[27/07/08] I swear I had a title for this post.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to "Leah blogs about nothing in particular!" Today's topic is flutes.

I was thinking about what to blog about yesterday, and I was just looking around the room in the music school, and there was a poster titled "The Selmer Pictorial History of Flutes". I am not even joking. I didn't realise that one could have a pictorial history of flutes. Though it was really just pictures of about 11 different flutes/recorders, and then something about each of them. I want a piccolo. That would be fun. Though piccolos are so deafening that maybe all I need is a whistle. I imagine that they would sound exactly the same.

That was in the 'brass room', where all the lessons for people playing brass instruments are supposedly held. Though when I learned French Horn (shut up), those lessons weren't held there. French Horn lessons actually made me depressed. I have never dreaded going to anything so much in my life. And that teacher was weirder than my year 9 art teacher. Because we had to skip class to go to music lessons, and the French Horn teacher was only there on Mondays, I almost always missed out on French. Then I tried to stop going to music lessons, which was okay, because . Then my mum worked out that it was clearly making me miserable, as I spent most of the week in tears because of it, so I got to stop.

What other interesting things have happened there? I'm talking as if Room 10 in the music school is this interesting place. It's not, so far as I know. I do know that Mr Musk left, which was unfortunate, due to the giant crushes that Em and Priya had on him in year 9. I think that he moved to the same school that Priya did. Oh well, there was a blog post that clearly was about nothing! And I moved on from flutes. Mainly because I don't know anything about flutes

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