Wednesday, July 16, 2008

[16/07/08] A kamikaze scone tried to attack me

I put that title in just for kicks. I don't know if I can think of enough quotes to put them all in as post titles on a regular basis. Once a week is enough. Though I am a quote collector. I actually ran out of space in my school diary in May.

I remember what I was doing this time three years ago actually. I was at Amy's house watching TV while she was reading Half-Blood Prince (I had already finished it). The thing is, I really wanted to talk about it with someone, but had lack of a person to talk about it with. So when I got home the next day, my sister was ready to talk. That's the thing about having siblings. Unless you want to buy multiple copies of the book, you have to wait. So should I start a reread of Half-Blood Prince tonight and have it done by Monday, which is the year anniversary of the Deathly Hallows release? Probably not, as I have English first thing on Tuesday and I should finish The Secret River, as well as annotate it.

One other thing I have noticed about July is that there are a lot of birthdays. And actually, most of the people I know who have birthdays in July share them with someone else I know. That was some pointless blabber right there. I need to get three presents by Monday, because that's when Maddy's party is. Which reminds me that I need to RSVP. It's not like I haven't had the invitation for a week. Why is everyone turning 18 or 21? And why is it so hard to think of presents for someone that I've known for most of my life?

You know what else is exciting? (Not that anything I've already written or am about to say is exciting at all) There are 97 days until I finish school, which terrifies me. And 107 days until exams. Or if you're American, you can be happy that there are only 107 days until Halloween. Speaking of school, why the hell wasn't I born in Queensland? First of all, I would have finished school already, as they don't do Prep. Though Prep was fun. And holiday homework? No such thing. Or maybe I should move to Canberra. The ACT is so small that they don't have external examinations. The downside of this is that I would have to move to Canberra.

Dum de dum de dum de... this is a first. Me not knowing what to write about on a blog. I'm going to see Wicked tomorrow night! That's exciting. Like really really exciting. Actually, my mum and I have kind of crap seats and then the very next day they released new tickets for about another month. Then Kim laughed at me. I might go and see it with her anyway, as it's going to be in Melbourne for 12 months. Maybe we could see it about 4 times. We could have a Swing Choir excursion and all buy pencils. Which no one who reads this will understand, because they don't go to my school. And the funniest review of Wicked that I heard is that "Anthony Callea was born to play a munchkin"

Then I was lamenting that we don't have an Australian equivalent to Broadway or the West End. Though if we did, I would probably go broke and spend all my money on shows, because it would be in Melbourne. And Rocky Horror's coming to Melbourne later this year! I think I may be going with Megan and Byron, which would be different. Since I have not seen the movie for a while, they'll probably tie me up in a chair and make me watch it three times straight but let me get up to do the Time Warp. Which Caz didn't know how to do. I wonder if the Time Warp or the Macarena was more difficult to do in the aisle of a moving bus. I don't know, I only did the Macarena. But we filmed both of them.

Something that I wish would hurry up and get to Melbourne is Avenue Q, which scanalously picked up the Tony Award for Best Musical in 2003, when Wicked was the favourite to win it. At least Idina Menzel got Best Actress in a Musical. As Robyn's boyfriend said, it is probably the musical with the largest cult following of people who have never seen it. Good stuff. And Rent should be performed in Australia again, so I can see the stage show. It's leaving Broadway in September! That actually really saddens me. That musical got me through the second half of year 10, and I haven't really watched it much since.

What else is new? Nothing. Laura is getting a tattoo on Friday night. Yes, this is the Laura who came to the casino with me. Or I went to the casino with her. But yes. Not much else to say, unless I quote La Vie Boheme, which no one would believe, because I could just google the lyrics and paste them here.

Actually, one thing I would love to do if I had time and equipment to make YouTube videos would be to mock child popstars and trying to cover their first singles. You know, Nikki Webster, Britney, Christina, Robin Sparkles (even though that was a parody, it was so good).

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