Tuesday, July 22, 2008

[22/07/08] Your hair's short! What happened?!

That was actually me who said that. I had work today, and I was working with someone I hadn't seen since the Christmas party last year. Turns out she got her hair cut. This is going to be a relatively short post, because I have French homework to do. And a maths test tomorrow. Yes, my teacher is cruel enough to give us a test on Trigonometry the first lesson back for the term.

First day back at school was awesome, because it's Day 2 of the timetable, which means double English, triple spare, geography. During one of my spares, I was updating Twitter about the status of my homework (not done), and I got a text message (even though we're not allowed phones in the library, the librarians and I are good friends - except they didn't see me using the phone). I thought to myself "I bet Kat has sent me a direct message from Twitter, and it'll say something about me being back at school". I was half right. It was from Kat, and it said "FAIL :P" which I thought was hilarious, so I'm keeping it.

Mike (I'm going to make sure that you read this now): I may have time to speak to you on weekends, but not much. Certainly not this weekend, I have music camp.

That's something exciting that is happening. Yesterday (Monday) was the only day this week that I did not have rehearsal for some sort of choir. The music concert is in nine days, no wonder I'm freaking out. Anyway, I am at school for half of the weekend singing songs. At least I'm in Swing, and we get to sing fun stuff like Hairspray and Wicked. (And the Mandy Moore/A Walk to Remember version of Only Hope, which isn't as good as the Switchfoot one. But I'm biased.)

9 days until the concert means 10 days until the formal, which I'm really not looking forward to that much, because I hated last year's. That is because I had a nice dress, a massive allergic reaction on my legs, a hairstyle I didn't like and a date who didn't know anyone. I have solved most of the problems. I have another gorgeous dress, no date (which is overall a better idea when not many of your friends are taking dates. If David Tennant offered to take me to my formal, I would of course say yes.), I'm not waxing my legs this year, and I'm not going to leave it up to the hairdresser to decide how my hair is done.

Also, tomorrow is the birthday of both my sister Megan, who is turning 21, and Emma who is one of my bestest friends in the entire world, who is turning 18! So happy birthday to both of you if you are reading this, and I'm not saying anything about presents in case you happen to be reading this when it's still Tuesday.

There's not much else going on! Oh wait, yesterday, as well as being the anniversary of Deathly Hallows was Maddy's birthday party. Which is quite ironic, because Maddy is opposed to Harry Potter due to her religious beliefs, which is fair enough. And we get along quite well. She decided to have a kids' 18th party, so we had fun things like a pinata and played games such as Pass the Parcel, Balderdash and Twister (yes, I may have just nearly typed Twitter). We also played the peg game, in which you started with 5 pegs, and if you said Maddy, Madeleine, MadCar, or any other variation of her name, you lost a peg. So Em and I were the first ones there, and I asked if we could call her Travis. (Em and I spent an hour and a half on public transport to get there). Guess what? I started a trend! By the end of the party, everyone was calling Maddy "Travis", and she even started answering to it.

Schoolies is still not organised, and Meagan and Heather want to go camping at the Cathedral Ranges. Sorry, if I'm going away for schoolies, I don't want to go camping, even if it's luxury camping. Camping's fun and all, but not for schoolies. I can understand if they don't want to get drunk and get raped for schoolies, but couldn't we do something other than go camping? Here's the thing about schoolies: you don't actually have to get drunk. I think that's all for today, I blog on nerdy strangers tomorrow.

1 comment:

M.Gillmer said...

I shall continue to read your blog as it has become pretty much the only way I can talk to my favorite Aussie. I should make sure I read your blog or something. I'm not sure how. but hey, I got mentioned again! This time not for not being emo! =D Um....yeah...I'm hungry. I shall miss talking to you on MSN. =[