Thursday, August 28, 2008

[28/08/08] It's been nearly two months since Central left

Two months tomorrow, it's strange. Everyone should also be glad to know that I just switched my calendar over to August. On the 28th. I never ended up changing my calendar over to April, I just went straight to May.

This week has been a bit strange. Some of us want to revolt against one line in the year 12 song, which is "And is this the last time you'll see us standing here with you?" We think it's too sad, like something you'd sing at a funeral. And I've had enough of funerals, even though it's been two weeks since the last one. Last Wednesday was the year anniversary of my grandma's death, the day of the formal was the eight year anniversary of my grandfather's. The guy who played Dan on All Saints (which I never watched) died today. So let's leave that topic there, this isn't supposed to be depressing.

Amy just IMed me. She's going on exchange to China over the holidays. Does she learn Chinese? No. I find this concept strange, which is why she fits it perfectly. She just said that she misses her puppets. I worry about that girl. Or maybe I've just spent too much time talking to Tom. Oh, apparently "They just caused me enough stress to mimic a maternal response". Suuure.

No news on the laptop front still. Today in French we were doing a practise exam. This was however, the one that Meagan and I did in New Caledonia (I miss that a lot too, probably because of the exam, and writing about chips at Sydney airport <3 Lacey, Alicia, Amy, Jacqueline, Liv and Julie. Oh, and I miss all the hilarity caused by the 4 boys, all known as Alex), so I kind of knew it. And when we did it, we were warned by Tasha, Phillipe and Alice that one of the reading comprehensions was really weird. So today, the people who are really good at French were getting all narky about it. Which I found funny, because I'm weird like that.

I'm planning on doing a topic centric blog post for Nerdy Strangers next week, but I don't know what to do. Ideas? I'll put it up on the ning. I already have a few. You know what's useful? A shout box.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The History Boys: a review.

It is the year 1983, and there are a bunch of boys (one of them very good looking) in their final year of school in Yorkshire. They're the smart ones, so the school is trying to get them into Oxford and Cambridge. So they're called the "Oxbridge" boys. This movie has both Richard Griffiths and Frances de la Tour in it. They're fantastic. Also the boy who was in the Christmas special of Doctor Who - in the cockpit of the Titanic named Allonso. Hence the whole Allons-y Allonso thing.

These teachers are very determined to get this group into either Oxford or Cambridge - or the headmaster is. I don't think any of them went to either of those schools though. Now in 'general studies' they're playing music. And now they're speaking French. Someone said something about the conditional tense. Lol, "quelle belle jambe" - beautiful legs. And the headmaster walked in on them, so they're in trouble.

And I can't hear the movie because my uncle is over and he's talking to my mum. Also our kettle is ridiculously loud. And somehow they're mucking around again. I have no idea what's going on. Oh, the kettle's finished boiling. And it's started again.

That's a pretty awesome teacher, offering them rides on his motorbike. Though there are rules against getting a lift home from staff members at school. And I don't think any of my teachers have motorbikes. If they do, the school probably won't let them use them to travel to and form school to maintain its reputation.

"Did Jesus say can I be refused the crucifiction?" Best line. Though I like to get out of sport myself. Not that I've had to do sport since year 10. Trust that guy to have a mirror in his locker. And he just looked in it too. Despite not liking that teacher, he's obviously had an impact.

"What's truth got to do with it? What's truth got to do with anything?"

"Durham's good for history. It's where I had my first pizza. Other things too, but it's the pizza that stands out". This movie is full of good lines.

I swear that shot is from Australia. "A question is about what you know, it's not about what you don't know". Interesting. I don't think I could teach a group of boys so smart that they're as cocky as all hell. They are pretty funny though. Not that that'll get them into Oxford.

!!!! I worked out where the hot guy is from. It's Sky from Mamma Mia!!!! Dominic Cooper. As I said on Twitter, they should have him sing and take off his shirt again. Or more specifically the two of us can sing a duet of Lay All Your Love On Me.

I've just had to rewind (this is a nifty remote control, you can rewind with a device that is quite like an iPod wheel) because there's something I missed. Ah, he was caught with one of the boys on his motorbike. So it isn't legal. Or maybe it's something worse. "If you want to learn about Stalin, study Henry VIII". Ah, so they want to fire him for it. "So I assume your wife doesn't know." I'm trying to make sense of this. Okay, it was never properly explained.

"History is a varying and continuing commentary on the ineptitude of men!" So I <3 style="font-style: italic;">beautiful. Okay, I'm going to England. NOW. I wonder how the whole waiting scene will pan out. I'll have that for a month. And then another month. I need to pay more attention to this, I don't pay attention for a minute and then have no idea what's going on. Maybe some of them were applying to Oxford, others to Cambridge, I don't know.

LETTER TIME! Here's the mail it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, when it comes I want to wail MAIL!!!! And that's where this review will end, because the ending will not be spoiled.

EDIT: The film/dramatic techniques at the end were brilliant. See it for that, if nothing else.

[24/08/08] In which the most exciting thing is JOHN GREEN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!


So that's exciting. My sister's 21st was last night, which was fun. I hung out with Em, Amy, Michaela, Robyn and Brendan. And I went home early because I had work this morning. Oh! Exciting stuff! Australia's most recent (and probably last, I don't know) Gold medal was in the men's 10m platform diving, which I saw the semi finals of yesterday. The man who won, Mitcham looks like a cross between a young David Wenham and Ian Thorpe. But he's amazing. I don't know whether I'm more in love with him or Fabian. Wow, I'm a lunatic. When does the closing ceremony start? It had better be afte Doctor Who finishes.

I'm checking the channel 7 website. There's an article about how the 14 year old diver from Britain just wants to be a kid. Hell, I would at that age. He has his whole freaking life ahead of him at that age. And in four years time he'll be brilliant. Closing ceremony is 10pm to 1am. Is this 1am like the 1am that the Opening Ceremony finished? Because that was 2:10am. And I know I could sleep in, I don't start school until 11 tomorrow. I wonder if I'll be at school on Thursday. I haven't been to school on a Day 9 since last term. Which was the end of June.

Today I went to the Deakin Open Day. The careers counsellor at school always seems to be pushing us to go to Deakin. I think they pay her. Anyway, I went to the presentations for the literature and writing courses. There is no way I am going there for writing. The talk was badly presented, and that woman is likely to be my first year lecturer or tutor. Also, if I were to do literature, I'd rather go to Melbourne or Monash. Basically what I think I want to do is do is get a BA in English (despite that song in Avenue Q), do some internships with publishing companies, as well honours in English and a Masters in Communication. Or Communcation if you prefer. Or maybe not. Maybe I'll go to uni and do something completely different to what I planned. Who knew that my sister would enjoy politics so much that she would go on to become president of the Political Interest Society?

And now I'm going to watch the History Boys, and maybe write a review. I just need to transfer the laptop into the lounge room, which has a TV and DVD player in it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[19/08/08] In which I discuss verbs.

I know, it sounds terribly boring. But here is a twitter update I just made.

'Verb' (verb) - to turn a noun into a verb, ie Google; "you Google it" Picture Show ad on the radio! I need to talk to Megan and Byron to see if they're still doing a group booking for that, and then tell Laura. I should give Laura her birthday present. It's only 2 and a half months late.

Oh, the Hot 30 Countdown is crap mostly. Last night the top song was by the Veronicas. Urgh. And they're doing this thing where they try to break world records. Last night the guy tried to get four different countries to hang up on him in 40 seconds and tonight the girl had to break up with her boyfriend in 20 seconds. This is a horrible show. I don't want to go into radio. Or at least host a show like the Hot 30 Countdown. Or Kyle and Jackie O. I would be fine working with Hamish and Andy.

Friday, August 15, 2008

[16/08/08] What is there to say?

My life has been pretty hectic recently - which I did not expect. Um, funerals are funerals. The singing was fine, and my cousin sang For Good from Wicked for the reflection which was great. And I'm seeing her musical in a couple of weeks. They're doing HSM and she's Gabriella, which is hilarious. And then on Thursday night, the worst possible thing happened. My laptop didn't recognise my profile.

So I went back to school and got the security updates, but that didn't do anything, so I took it to the technicians. Let me tell you all, Fujitsu doesn't make good laptops. They're also more expensive than the standard laptop. For instance, two and a half years ago when we bought it, we got it for double the price of the Toshiba that my dad just ordered because his laptop died on Monday. The Toshiba is probably better.

The technicians said they could restore my profile, but the casing was damaged and then I was told to come back after lunch, which I did. The hard drive is damaged and the casing needs to be repaired. Here's the thing though: despite the insurance and stuff, which makes everything much cheaper than a new laptop, I'd much rather a new one, made by a different brand, so long as the hard drive can be recovered. That's what I'm hoping - that my music and my photos will be okay. Things like this really ruin your day.

And I just had to stop Pappy being an ass. Even though that won't happen. Yes, Australia is getting beaten by the USA in the swimming, but we are smaller - our population is 6.78% of theirs. They have a Phelps and we have no Thorpe this year. What happened to Pieter van den Hoogenband from the Netherlands? He was awesome.

Why so serious? I saw the Dark Knight last night, which was thoroughly enjoyable. Heath Ledger was fantastic, so was Christian Bale. And hot. Not much else to say about that. I have read Suite Scarlett, which I loved. As a reader of Maureen Johnson's blog, I have to say that I laughed very hard reading the dedication and acknowledgements. Though reading the name Kate Schafer, I was all "Who? Oh, that's right, Daphne Unfeasible." Though Oscar Gingersnort is mentioned by that name. Also all her author friends including John Green and Scott Westerfeld were mentioned among others.

I went with Amy, and we were in cinema 7. I also bought Juno and she told me that I was a platypus, which I love to be told all the time. That was the first time that that has ever happened to me though.

Switchfoot is on the Max Countdown - 2383, Dare You To Move. I must go and sing and dance. I wonder which version this is - there are about four. They're much younger in the clip. Four versions: the original, which is on Learning to Breathe, the one on A Walk to Remember, the one on The Beautiful Letdown and the radio version. Didn't say on the clip. It wasn't the one on Learning to Breathe, because I have that album. There's some useless blabber.

Now it's Too Lost in You by the Sugababes. I might go back to listening while I do some more probability homework.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

[12/08/08] Librarians are made of awesome

Except that someone else has borrowed Specials by Scott Westerfeld and it's not due back until the 25th. I just looked at my calendar to see which day of the week that was, and I'm fairly sure it's a Monday, not a Friday. My calendar is still on July. Maybe that's why I subconsciously told Kat that I'd turn up for her 21st six months late. But anyway, they have SUITE SCARLETT and I was all OMGZ about it, and they told me that if I'd gotten it from Scholastic Book Club it would have been $10. They don't distribute Book Club to year 12. If they did, I would have bought it. But I'm ordering it online regardless. The librarians said that when it had been processed and catalogued that I could read it first. They also did this when I asked them to order John Green's books last year.

Nerds to the Grave. And beyond. I already have that T-Shirt designed in my head. Speaking of which, I managed to fit both references to Doctor Who and Harry Potter into an English class. We were reading 'A Man for All Seasons', which is a fantastic play. I love philosophy discussions. Black and Gold is an awesome song.

I forgot to take my phone to school which is actually the most inconvenient thing that's happened for a while. Because the photo lady from the formal came in today, and I didn't have any money with me. (Blow Up the Pokies by The Whitlams is also amazing) So I ended up using my own Visa debit card (yay online purchases - Amazon here I come! Books!) to buy them and mum might pay me back. She was also going to buy me an outfit for the funeral on Thursday. Which I am singing in. I definitely know one of the hymns, apparently know the second and will have to learn the third. And I wanted to Tweet about the awesome librarians.

7 things is an interesting song. The seven things she likes about him are kind of superficial. Although there's that 7th one. Let's count the nerd references in this blog shall we? Or not, I'm too lazy. Em and I also told Ms Barnes that we ate all the soprano ones today. That was hilarious. Particularly her response "oh, you ate them, okay". Now I'm singing sop one for Cantique de Jean Racine which I guess is okay. I've worked out what I'm getting Em for her birthday.

Uhm... something happened in regards to French today. Oh yes, we had a reading SAC (I got so distracted, I hope I do okay) and I was looking up (I shouldn't have driven. You shouldn't have driven, but we got there) some word in the wrong section of the dictionary, and the first word I saw was 'boobs', which was hilarious. There were also some stupid questions, and my 'study', not that you can study for reading, was to attempt reading some of Harry Potter and the Chamber (Bedroom) of Secrets in French. I got sidetracked by the fact that toast in French is toast. Only I would find that funny. Well it's just that the sentence is "Harry recommença à manger son toast" and there's all this nice French language and then TOAST. I can imagine someone saying toast with a really bogan accent too. Anyway, there's some more rimbly rambly scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat (aren't you glad I don't write Nursery Rhymes. Au revoir!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

[10/08/08] Driving with Leah is fun!

So mum and I went up to Monash uni, which is where we always go, and we were doing the usual Blackburn road thing and I got distracted by an overtaking truck. Now I want to find that clip from Thank God You're Here in Season One where they're Big Brother housemates and I think it's Frank Woodley says "I nominate Hamish (or some other person, I forget who) because in the middle of the night, he gets up and shines his torch in my face and yells TRUCK!!!!!!" Now I've managed to distract myself from the actual blog post... oh yeah. So there was a truck and it was turning right, and I was all "ooers, he's going the same place we are", and mum said "no, he's going to the freeway". And I missed my turnoff, which I found the most hilarious thing in the world. Because I thought our turn off was after the freeway, but it was before. Lol. So I sort of drove home. Well I got up to Chadstone and mum was all "let's go to the residential streets because it's this certain time on a Sunday night", even though I'd gotten home from there at that time on a weeknight, which is crazier, because it's peak hour. Oh, and then I missed another turnoff.

What else? Work was fucking cold. That's an understatement. Compared to today, 15 degrees is practically summer. Yes, I work in a bakery, but on a day like today, when it's supposedly 5 degrees outside (as it was 5 degrees in the city, it was cooler here), it makes no difference. The ovens have no effect out the front. The shop is open to the street and when it's windy and raining, it's not fun. And there's this corner of the shop that's always colder. Anyway, I was talking to my boss, as I always do, and I told her that we had a heaters off day for global warming and such and she said "Why would you do that? You should do it in summer!" I don't think I've laughed that hard for a while. Oh, and the news said that this has been one of Melbourne's coldest days in a while. I just don't know how long. Probably a couple of years, at least. Which proves my point

I am helping Amy with organising her 18th, and there's a "How well do you know Amy?" quiz. I get to write the questions for the MSN category. One of them concerns the treasure map, which I'll put here, and the other one concerns the time Lizy said something along the lines of "AMY! What do you mean you had sex on the couch?" Also, I find it very amusing that Amy calls Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Novac Djokovic "Roughy, Roger and Slinky"

I just got so distracted by YouTube. I was looking for that clip of Thank God You're Here, got distracted by Hamish Blake and then found a hilarious Summer Heights High clip of Mr G's class playing Thank God You're Here. The other significant thing that's happened is that I've been writing my yearbook page, as well as my novel. Yes, I'm writing a novel, it's pretty fun. And I was going to write a lot more about it here, but I won't.

And "Bras, the musical" will happen.

So I will put a clip of Thank God You're Here in this post. The one with Josh Lawson as the fireman. He's awesome at it. Why can't that show come back this year? Also, is the Chaser taking a year off as well? That would suck. And I want Gruen back. Or more IT Crowd, though they need to film season 3. Or Torchwood.

Friday, August 8, 2008

[09/08/08] This was going to be about the Opening Ceremony

Which was amazing by the way. I loved the whole concept, particularly the drawing thing, that was amazing. And it was fun laughing about the Chinese Nikki Webster with Kat. And Tom came on MSN every once in a while. And I spoke to the Amy child briefly. I loved most of it, but the parading on of all the countries takes too long. As does them walking around with the flag. Oh, being the nerd that I am, I calculated the percentage of China's population that is in their Olympic team. It's something like 0.000045%. But the end of the torch relay was, and I quote "epic fucking win". They lifted him up in the air and then the big torch and there was the gunpowder thing that they do in the movies and it was a spiral and epically awesome.

So what else happened on 888? At 11:30 pm my great grandmother died. And it was more of a shock than anything else. She was a sprightly 99 year old, and the healthiest person in her nursing home, with the exception of the nun who is 100. Of all the relatives that have died in my life, she is the only one who wasn't sick. She always said that that's the way she wanted to go, and if only it was that way for all of us. There are several thoughts going through my head about this, and I haven't sorted them out entirely yet. The main problem when she died of course was getting in contact with my mum's cousin (she's mum's grandmother - yes, I'm using present tense) who is a priest and currently overseas, because it's only right that he conducts the service. So there will probably be more thoughts about this on nerdy strangers on Wednesday.

[08/08/08] Heaters OFF!

And it was cold. I took my blanket to school. I wonder if I'm just blogging because I want to write something on 08/08/08. 08... the year I finish school. Woo! This week started off with a sore throat, which has now progressed to a full on head cold. Glarphalknvarghsh. And I had three SACs. I really hope they went okay, because I didn't do as much study for any of them as I'd hoped to. For English it was because I had no idea what to write, for Chemistry it was because Anna linked me to an amazing story on fictionpress, and I did geography study. Why? Because the work that I did last night actually contributes to my mark.

Dum de dum de dum de reading a book. I finished Pretties by Scott Westerfeld approximately an hour ago. Twas awesome. I still have to read Specials and Extras. What else do I want to read? Definitely 1984 again. And So Yesterday. I swear there were others. Well I've started Catcher in the Rye. I was telling my mum about it and such (she hasn't read it since she was at school), and she said "maybe I should have chosen that for our year 12s for Identity and Belonging". I don't know, I'm only two chapters in, which is equal to 20 pages. Identity and Belonging has better texts than Encountering Conflict. Well, I like three of the four texts, not knowing what the fourth was, but I can bet it's easily better than The Secret River, which was for some reason voted as the best book of 2007 by viewers of the First Tuesday Book Club on the ABC.

Wow, I'm blogging about year 12 texts. Insanity has struck me down and called my brother Nelly. Which doesn't make any sense. I miss Em. And she was all hostile towards me today because I'm sick. This is completely unfair, as she is often sick and I never avoid her, and the one time I feel pretty bad, she's like this. In geography, we had our SAC, and it was heaters off day and casual clothes, I was wrapped up in my blanket. I took it to English as well, and put A Man for All Seasons on my head for a bit. It made me feel better for a bit. And I was Meg today, briefly. It's a really interesting play. Anyway, as I was saying, or going to say, Em and I are going bra shopping sometime soon, hopefully. Sometime when I feel better and it doesn't interfere with her plans for seeing James.

Oh and the Olympics' Opening Ceremony is on tonight. That will be fun. I'll probably watch for a bit then take a night time cold and flu tablet and hope for the best so I can get a nice amount of homework done tomorrow. Doesn't that sound fun?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

[07/08/08] In which I write a bit (a lot?) about China

So there's all this Beijing/Olympics hype. Personally, I would feel claustrophobic in Beijing, as their population is about 767 people per square kilometre. Kind of glad I'm not going there. That basically means that each person in Beijing has about 1.2 square metres of breathing space. Yay population questions! I really should be doing them right now. I do find demography quite interesting. Though there are some things that aren't particularly impressive about China's population.

The fertility rate in the mid 1960s was high - about 7.5 children per woman. This is because in the 1950s (not sure about this date, but I'm too lazy to look it up) there was the Communist revolution (though China's political history is quite unstable) and their population policy was basically "go forth and multiply", so the population rose quite significantly to the point that the Once Child Policy, or Chinese Population Policy was implemented in 1979. Duh duh DUUUUUUH! Good idea at first, but there's always a loophole.

The aim of the policy is to bring the population back down to a manageable rate, and they hand out free condoms in work factories and such. There is a problem to this though, and it has to do with China's cultural values, which is that they would prefer to have sons. So what happens? Daugters are 'stillborn', and a Chinese couple can easily discover the sex of their unborn child while having an ultrasound screening. If the baby is a girl it can be aborted. This happens a lot. Basically what happens in Chinese culture is that when a couple marry, the wife joins the husband and they look after the husband's parents in their old age. So many couples are having sons, which means that the male to female ratio is pretty screwed up. In a way it kind of means that it's working, but smaller numbers of men will be able to find wives, and the reason you can say it's working is because a smaller percentage of the population is able to breed. Um... that's all for now, I need to go back to getting this work done for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

[04/08/08] I should be studying...

...because I have 3 assessments this week, one of which is tomorrow! Okay, ideas about Encountering Conflict. Fuuuuuuuuck. This is going to be a relatively short post, as there isn't much to talk about. You may call me Australia Face. Where's the thing that connects my camera to my laptop, I need it. I'll post the photo later. The main thing of significance is that I got my chemistry result today. Oops, I need to give DJ my semester 1 SACs back (as Giles said, SACs should be shot in the face). So basically we got a result for either the exam or the semester. I'll try and discern some information from the little piece of paper. Hmm, it says "Grade 1 result". Not sure what this means. Does it work differently for subjects that have a midyear exam?

Either way, I'll tell a little story. I was sitting with Meagan in French and waiting for it to be over so I could relax at lunchtime. And then she said "one hour until we get our results". Which of course had me freaking out for the rest of the lesson. So she wrote "A+" on my hand, which I took a photo of and want to put here. Either way, I said something along the lines of "if only that were true". And then there was lots of anticipation as Sue (my house co-ordinator) was the last one to come up with the results. I wasn't going to open them until I got home, but I managed to find an area with few people so I could open it by myself. Seriously, if someone hears the opening of an envelope, they run over. Anyway, it was an A+ o_O. For 18 months I have tried and tried and tried to get an A+ in chemistry to no avail... until now.

Also, if you read my post on nerdy strangers the day before that exam, I was kind of freaking out. I sort of had a breakdown the Sunday before the exam when a book tried to tell me why potatoes turn brown. Not particularly interesting and the last thing I care about. Then we had the exam which I thought had too many questions (seriously, 8 short answer questions? 8??? Though I guess 8 is a lucky number - I got 8 in the footy tipping for the third time this season), but I didn't think it was too bad. We went out for lunch afterwards and I worked out that I'd already lost 5 marks. And then afterwards I talked to my mum who said that the students at her school came out in tears and some friends at work didn't finish it. The joys of external examinations. So basically because of that I was really worried that I hadn't done well. I keep looking at that darn piece of paper because it's hard to believe. But I need to keep working, as there is still a semester to go. And I have 5 exams in October/November, not 1.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

[02/08/08] I am in a state of perpetual tiredness

And I have been all day. I got about 6 hours sleep this morning and I had about a 2 hour nap this afternoon and then I went driving. I should ask my mum if we can open the bottle of Coke. I need something. Actually, I probably need some food, too. I've only eaten two burritos today. And some Savoys. All of this is really exciting stuff. I know you want to know about it, or possibly the reason that I'm so tired, as well as the reason that I woke up with panda eyes this morning.

I did have fun at the formal, and not because I was ordered to by Mike. Mum was kind of stressed, which is understandable, as dad was in Canberra for the whole week and will be going there again for at least some of next week. So that stressed me out. The hair and make-up appointment was fine, though I preferred the way my make-up was done last year. God, there was so much of it this time. And they used eyeliner. There was none of that wretched stuff last year.

Rachel's was okay. Nothing exciting really. I don't understand how predrinks can be exciting, but whatever. Well, we took a group photo of our parents because they always make a big deal of taking a group photo of us before we leave. Payback! Oh, there are no photos in this post because I don't have many and I'm waiting for everyone else to upload them onto facebook. I particularly want the "Myspace photo" that Richard and I took. He is a funny guy, I'm glad Meagan brought him.

Formal tables weren't really a drama, except I never ever get put with Emma. Ever. It annoys me. I liked the way it was done this year, 9 Darling Street is a better venue (the best venue even) than the Kooyong Tennis Club or whatever it's called. Anyway, I hate that part where you get there and everyone's trying to pack together in not much space and it's all claustrophobic. Laura's boyfriend Scott knew someone who worked there; I swear that he could go to Antarctica and know someone there, it's ridiculous.

Anyway, we had a course and then everyone got up to dance for a bit and photos were taken, etc. We had a Central photo with the Priscilla signs (always a must) and then called Slim from the bathroom (which was gorgeous) but he didn't answer, so we sang (or screamed) "Come to Australia" by the Scared Weird Little Guys to him. And then Caz said in this nice calm voice "Hi Slim, we really miss you". It was hilarious. There were also the house tutor group photos. I might get all group photos this year. There was one that we got with Mrs Jewell as well. She wanted an English class photo, but we never got around to organising it.

There were awards, as there always are. I'm glad Kim got the "most innovative" award, as she and her mum modified her mum's wedding dress, which was gorgeous. I loved it. The food was fantastic, and maybe it's because I had a three course meal that I haven't eaten much today. Let's say it was that. And we had food at Heather's afterwards. Anyway, for dessert I had this chocolate tasting plate with chocolate ice cream, an eclair and jaffa mousse. The jaffa mousse was in a bowl that was made of chocolate. I wasn't sure that it was chocolate at first, but then I smashed it with my spoon.

Dancing was fun. Tom (Anna's date, who I call my twin) is a terrible dancer, but at least he enjoys himself. James isn't that good either. Though I think Lisa and Fleur's dates were enjoying themselves a bit and danced with every girl they could. And there was another one as well. Though the highlight of the night was when Billy Jean was played and Jess's boyfriend Tim did his awesome dancing. Some sort of smooth foot thing that is not out of place when Michael Jackson is playing.

Then afterwards we went to Heather's where we listened to Queen, Freya and I started to lose our voices (mine is nearly back) and Meagan and Richard did their nerd camp thing and tried to solve a Rubik's Cube. Em made us all listen to Lucky by Britney, which is really an ironic song considering how her life's turned out. Then at the end of the song, Em walked off and said "I'm just going to go and shave my head now". We were going to put on the Beatles, but that got overruled and Michael Bubbly was put on. Which was great, because Em and I slow danced to Moondance, and James tried to split us up. Then just before Em and James left I ended up dancing with James to some other song. I love my friends. There aren't any particularly funny stories to tell, it was just a good night.