Saturday, August 23, 2008

[24/08/08] In which the most exciting thing is JOHN GREEN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!


So that's exciting. My sister's 21st was last night, which was fun. I hung out with Em, Amy, Michaela, Robyn and Brendan. And I went home early because I had work this morning. Oh! Exciting stuff! Australia's most recent (and probably last, I don't know) Gold medal was in the men's 10m platform diving, which I saw the semi finals of yesterday. The man who won, Mitcham looks like a cross between a young David Wenham and Ian Thorpe. But he's amazing. I don't know whether I'm more in love with him or Fabian. Wow, I'm a lunatic. When does the closing ceremony start? It had better be afte Doctor Who finishes.

I'm checking the channel 7 website. There's an article about how the 14 year old diver from Britain just wants to be a kid. Hell, I would at that age. He has his whole freaking life ahead of him at that age. And in four years time he'll be brilliant. Closing ceremony is 10pm to 1am. Is this 1am like the 1am that the Opening Ceremony finished? Because that was 2:10am. And I know I could sleep in, I don't start school until 11 tomorrow. I wonder if I'll be at school on Thursday. I haven't been to school on a Day 9 since last term. Which was the end of June.

Today I went to the Deakin Open Day. The careers counsellor at school always seems to be pushing us to go to Deakin. I think they pay her. Anyway, I went to the presentations for the literature and writing courses. There is no way I am going there for writing. The talk was badly presented, and that woman is likely to be my first year lecturer or tutor. Also, if I were to do literature, I'd rather go to Melbourne or Monash. Basically what I think I want to do is do is get a BA in English (despite that song in Avenue Q), do some internships with publishing companies, as well honours in English and a Masters in Communication. Or Communcation if you prefer. Or maybe not. Maybe I'll go to uni and do something completely different to what I planned. Who knew that my sister would enjoy politics so much that she would go on to become president of the Political Interest Society?

And now I'm going to watch the History Boys, and maybe write a review. I just need to transfer the laptop into the lounge room, which has a TV and DVD player in it.

1 comment:

Kat said...


Yes, it's probably 1am like the last 1am, which was 2:10. I shall stay up and find out, while doing insane twitters about David Beckham on London Buses.