Tuesday, August 12, 2008

[12/08/08] Librarians are made of awesome

Except that someone else has borrowed Specials by Scott Westerfeld and it's not due back until the 25th. I just looked at my calendar to see which day of the week that was, and I'm fairly sure it's a Monday, not a Friday. My calendar is still on July. Maybe that's why I subconsciously told Kat that I'd turn up for her 21st six months late. But anyway, they have SUITE SCARLETT and I was all OMGZ about it, and they told me that if I'd gotten it from Scholastic Book Club it would have been $10. They don't distribute Book Club to year 12. If they did, I would have bought it. But I'm ordering it online regardless. The librarians said that when it had been processed and catalogued that I could read it first. They also did this when I asked them to order John Green's books last year.

Nerds to the Grave. And beyond. I already have that T-Shirt designed in my head. Speaking of which, I managed to fit both references to Doctor Who and Harry Potter into an English class. We were reading 'A Man for All Seasons', which is a fantastic play. I love philosophy discussions. Black and Gold is an awesome song.

I forgot to take my phone to school which is actually the most inconvenient thing that's happened for a while. Because the photo lady from the formal came in today, and I didn't have any money with me. (Blow Up the Pokies by The Whitlams is also amazing) So I ended up using my own Visa debit card (yay online purchases - Amazon here I come! Books!) to buy them and mum might pay me back. She was also going to buy me an outfit for the funeral on Thursday. Which I am singing in. I definitely know one of the hymns, apparently know the second and will have to learn the third. And I wanted to Tweet about the awesome librarians.

7 things is an interesting song. The seven things she likes about him are kind of superficial. Although there's that 7th one. Let's count the nerd references in this blog shall we? Or not, I'm too lazy. Em and I also told Ms Barnes that we ate all the soprano ones today. That was hilarious. Particularly her response "oh, you ate them, okay". Now I'm singing sop one for Cantique de Jean Racine which I guess is okay. I've worked out what I'm getting Em for her birthday.

Uhm... something happened in regards to French today. Oh yes, we had a reading SAC (I got so distracted, I hope I do okay) and I was looking up (I shouldn't have driven. You shouldn't have driven, but we got there) some word in the wrong section of the dictionary, and the first word I saw was 'boobs', which was hilarious. There were also some stupid questions, and my 'study', not that you can study for reading, was to attempt reading some of Harry Potter and the Chamber (Bedroom) of Secrets in French. I got sidetracked by the fact that toast in French is toast. Only I would find that funny. Well it's just that the sentence is "Harry recommença à manger son toast" and there's all this nice French language and then TOAST. I can imagine someone saying toast with a really bogan accent too. Anyway, there's some more rimbly rambly scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat (aren't you glad I don't write Nursery Rhymes. Au revoir!

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