Friday, July 25, 2008

[25/07/08] Thank goodness the internet is working

It’s really a bugger when you want to blog but you’re at school where blogger is blocked. I would twitter now, but I can’t log in. And my phone has no credit and the company that did the phone credit machine went ‘kaput’ as my mum said. But on the bright side, all my twitter followers are back. I just checked my page. I’m in the school library and there is a bunch of annoying year 11s using the other computers for psychology. Why am I blogging? Because I feel like it. (the real reason: I'm an addict).
I don’t like these school keyboards; the backspace button is too small. Or maybe it’s just because I’m used to my laptop. I need a new laptop. I came to the library because I thought there would be free computers, which there are. And then I talked to Justine. Am I the only student in the school who calls the librarians by their first names? (The year 11s are talking about their formal and CLC which isn’t for another month. Then again, we’re talking about the formal, but that’s not for another week. Though I guess we were the same last year. I’m still not looking forward to the formal.) Anyway, the librarians. Justine is Em’s aunt, but she still calls her by her teaching name. Justine and I were talking about the Premier’s Reading Challenge and censorship. Good stuff. (Alex just came in. If I knew her better, I would probably get along with her. The link is to her books. Yes, she’s an author, and I’m incredibly jealous.)

Geography was fun this morning. We’re doing all this work on population, and Katie made the comment about Kenya’s fertility rate in 1975, which was 7.9 children per woman. I told her that I was happy with my 6 children, and she actually believed that I had 6 children so that was hilarious. That girl has her moments. Like the Muhammad Ali thing. It’s always the Friday morning double that she’s like that.

Will I write more when I get home? Maybe, but now I have to get through four hours of choir rehearsals. Let’s hope that it’s fun…

There's only so much choir rehearsal that one can endure without going insane. Four hours straight is pushing it. Actually, even one hour is pushing it, as we went crazy. But I'm getting ahead of myself. At the start of lunch, as many Central people as possible were gathered together so that we could "push Priscilla", meaning "take a photo of us pretending to push Pearco's car with Priscilla's signs on it at lunch time and make sure that the teachers don't see us leave school, especially without our blazers". Freya actually went back to get her blazer, the good school captain that she is.

So then there was slightly less than four straight hours of choir rehearsal. Swing was fun, and there are some issues over the pronunciation of "can't" - we do it American for one song and English for another. Then in choir, Barnesy was having to reteach the choir Come and Sing, and the soloists (me included) went a bit crazy, and Ariane was being the "voice of reason". She told us that Barnesy would crack it at us, and she did, but we were having too much fun for that to be an issue. And then Mr Hall came in! He's a bit like Mr G from Summer Heights High, but much more awesome. He's nice and not selfish.

And then the middle and junior school choirs came in so that we could practise the opening. The junior girls are adorable, and when we were mucking around with our uniforms (meaning buttoning our blouses up completely - yes, we're rebels. Though no one does up their top button or the one on the collar, which I swear was designed for suffocation), they started copying us! When I say 'us', it sounds like I was involved in this. Unfortunately, I wasn't, merely an observer. Also, the junior girls get to wave flags in the song, and when we file off, we take the flags from them because they have to stay on stage and sing their Sound of Music medley (yes, I will be singing along). You think little kids are bad with flags? Try year twelves. And it's only the first week back.

This time next week I will be at the formal. I'm still not entirely looking forward to it, but as I'm going to be spending the next 7 days with people from school, I may get excited. It had better be warmer than this, because otherwise we will all freeze. It won't be warmer. Why do schools decide to hold formals in winter? Kat, you should have a good answer to this. I told people your marathon runner joke and they loved it.

1 comment:

Kat said...

It's so that everyone gets so cold that they wouldn't think of removing any more clothing.

I assume that you can bring partners to your formal. Otherwise that's a bit shithouse.