Monday, July 28, 2008

[29/07/08] I hate the last choir rehearsal before the concert

This time of the year (2 days before the concert) is generally when the head of music is so stressed that you'd rather not deal with her, but she's the choir conductor and there's choir rehearsal so you kind of have to. I hope she didn't find out that Kim hadn't written her music captain's opening speech thingy. Though that's because we were in a spare and we told her not to write it. We had Swing rehearsal at recess and Anna brought her 2 year old son in who is sooooooooooooooo cute. She also told us that for his second birthday party they hired a ball pit and were considering having a whole room with a ball pit. I think that this is an excellent idea. So far the rooms in my future house (the ones I'd like to have) are one with a ball pit and a library.

Oh I did an exam today. Well, not the listening. It was the Alliance Francaise written exam. I wonder if we're doing the oral. It'd be nice to know if we are. But is there time? We don't even have French for the rest of the week due to the rehearsal on Thursday and finishing early because of the formal on Friday. Why must everything be on at once? Because Monash uni's open day is on Sunday - they're currently my second preference university, and one of the top 8 in the country. Along with Melbourne, ANU and some others. Interesting. There's a site that lists Australia's Top universities and where they're ranked in the world. The thing is about ANU is that they're really good and it's much easier to get into their courses because they're in Canberra. I don't think I could go to uni in Canberra though. That would suck.

What else did I want to say? Omg, epic win happened today. Every second Wednesday afternoon we have this PD double period in which year 11 and 12s are talked at, and for the first time in the history of my school, we have been given the afternoon off. To study. We were all in shock.

Year 12: o_O O_o

This of course means that I finish early every day this week. Epic win!

And this is something that only Kat needs to read, as it is in regards to the strangely nerdy strangers. If there are people who owe a punishment should we just set one for them all to do? If so, what should it be?

Anyway, au revoir, I must go and do a maths test before tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kat said...

They should all have to listen to an hour of Sneakernight by Vanessa Hudgens. That's a bad song. :D