Saturday, August 2, 2008

[02/08/08] I am in a state of perpetual tiredness

And I have been all day. I got about 6 hours sleep this morning and I had about a 2 hour nap this afternoon and then I went driving. I should ask my mum if we can open the bottle of Coke. I need something. Actually, I probably need some food, too. I've only eaten two burritos today. And some Savoys. All of this is really exciting stuff. I know you want to know about it, or possibly the reason that I'm so tired, as well as the reason that I woke up with panda eyes this morning.

I did have fun at the formal, and not because I was ordered to by Mike. Mum was kind of stressed, which is understandable, as dad was in Canberra for the whole week and will be going there again for at least some of next week. So that stressed me out. The hair and make-up appointment was fine, though I preferred the way my make-up was done last year. God, there was so much of it this time. And they used eyeliner. There was none of that wretched stuff last year.

Rachel's was okay. Nothing exciting really. I don't understand how predrinks can be exciting, but whatever. Well, we took a group photo of our parents because they always make a big deal of taking a group photo of us before we leave. Payback! Oh, there are no photos in this post because I don't have many and I'm waiting for everyone else to upload them onto facebook. I particularly want the "Myspace photo" that Richard and I took. He is a funny guy, I'm glad Meagan brought him.

Formal tables weren't really a drama, except I never ever get put with Emma. Ever. It annoys me. I liked the way it was done this year, 9 Darling Street is a better venue (the best venue even) than the Kooyong Tennis Club or whatever it's called. Anyway, I hate that part where you get there and everyone's trying to pack together in not much space and it's all claustrophobic. Laura's boyfriend Scott knew someone who worked there; I swear that he could go to Antarctica and know someone there, it's ridiculous.

Anyway, we had a course and then everyone got up to dance for a bit and photos were taken, etc. We had a Central photo with the Priscilla signs (always a must) and then called Slim from the bathroom (which was gorgeous) but he didn't answer, so we sang (or screamed) "Come to Australia" by the Scared Weird Little Guys to him. And then Caz said in this nice calm voice "Hi Slim, we really miss you". It was hilarious. There were also the house tutor group photos. I might get all group photos this year. There was one that we got with Mrs Jewell as well. She wanted an English class photo, but we never got around to organising it.

There were awards, as there always are. I'm glad Kim got the "most innovative" award, as she and her mum modified her mum's wedding dress, which was gorgeous. I loved it. The food was fantastic, and maybe it's because I had a three course meal that I haven't eaten much today. Let's say it was that. And we had food at Heather's afterwards. Anyway, for dessert I had this chocolate tasting plate with chocolate ice cream, an eclair and jaffa mousse. The jaffa mousse was in a bowl that was made of chocolate. I wasn't sure that it was chocolate at first, but then I smashed it with my spoon.

Dancing was fun. Tom (Anna's date, who I call my twin) is a terrible dancer, but at least he enjoys himself. James isn't that good either. Though I think Lisa and Fleur's dates were enjoying themselves a bit and danced with every girl they could. And there was another one as well. Though the highlight of the night was when Billy Jean was played and Jess's boyfriend Tim did his awesome dancing. Some sort of smooth foot thing that is not out of place when Michael Jackson is playing.

Then afterwards we went to Heather's where we listened to Queen, Freya and I started to lose our voices (mine is nearly back) and Meagan and Richard did their nerd camp thing and tried to solve a Rubik's Cube. Em made us all listen to Lucky by Britney, which is really an ironic song considering how her life's turned out. Then at the end of the song, Em walked off and said "I'm just going to go and shave my head now". We were going to put on the Beatles, but that got overruled and Michael Bubbly was put on. Which was great, because Em and I slow danced to Moondance, and James tried to split us up. Then just before Em and James left I ended up dancing with James to some other song. I love my friends. There aren't any particularly funny stories to tell, it was just a good night.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Did you get to dance to the..oh god what's it called. Is it the chicken dance? It's gone completely out of my mind.